Okay, I think I'm having a moment! I am three books in on my self-publishing journey, and I am enjoying it very much, but...
I have been fully committed to the process so far, including creating the covers and doing all the formatting for the various versions myself. I have been lucky to have the support of some good, capable friends for editing feedback, and I am pleased and proud of the work I have published.
So, what's the problem?
It's the age-old challenge of trying to raise awareness and interest in an unknown author in a market flooded with millions of alternate options. It's hard; it's draining; it's not what I want to focus on. I'm ready to write my next book, not spend all my time trying to sell the previous ones! (Don't get me wrong, I want the sales!)
So, is an agent the answer?
I have no idea, but it sounds like it should at least bring with it the machine that surrounds traditional publishing. I understand that getting accepted could be even more of a challenge than self-marketing, but I think I'm going to give it a go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Wish me luck! Any advice is gratefully welcomed.